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The app is designed to
be the first app for a
child’s first device.
Voice Messages
Emotions are the universal
language and they can’t be felt
in a text. SodaSpeak rewards empathy-building voice messages.

Quick Tip
SodaSpeak does not have notifications because they are designed to give users a burst of addiction causing dopamine.

Quick Talk
Send a quick audio message to
your friends. Start a new chat to
use this feature.

Download Soda Speak
from your App Store
*No Addictive Notifications

*No stranger danger - only people with your phone number can connect with you
Connect with friends by sending a text or recording
a voice message
Add or invite friends
from your phone
*Allows only 24 texts in 24 hours because no one ever said, I wish I could just text one more time.
*Unlimited voice messages allow users to maintain social skills. Each voice message sent earns users one more text.
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